Things that Help Both File Size and Interactive Performance
- Simple Objects Where Possible, if you can use two boxes carefully placed with textures instead of a very complex car model, do it.
- Small Texture Images, where possible use small image sizes for your textures
- Small Sound Files, again where you can try using small files (perhaps a small loop of music rather than a long piece)
- Tiled Textures, to cover large areas (such as a floor with tiles) instead of a large texture you could use a small single tile image and use the manual texture tiling features of VRMLmagic.
Tips to Improve Interactive Performance
- Light Effectively - lights can be expensive in performance terms, make sure that your lights are having an effect, and if not remove them.
- Use isVisible or InRange sensors for looping actions, ie. only have actions occurring when they are visible to the user.
- Use Textures wisely, if an item can use a non textured surface and work just as well then remove the texture.
- Use Transparency wisely, its a powerful feature but if you don't need it you can improve performance by having solid objects