User Manual


This section provides a set of example worlds (including step-by-step guides showing you how to create them). By building these worlds you will get a feel for using all of VRMLmagics tools and at the end you'll have some generic worlds from which you can build your own more specific versions.

Interactive 3D Heading & Navigation Bar

In this example we will make an interactive navigation-bar/heading for a company. This is a very practical example and creates a specific solution for this commercial task. The second example is a more creative project to allow you to more freely play with the features of VRMLmagic.

To get the most out of these examples it is recommended that you complete each step in turn, this will give you exposure to a range of VRMLmagic tools. Although you can choose to skip some steps or insert your own steps to personalize the result. Be careful in taking this approach as the final result may be quite different to the examples intention.

To start off lets get a clean setup for saving and transferring our new world.

Preparing for a World

Begin by following the steps below. Although it is not critical to create a new folder/directory for each new world, it makes working with the world much simpler. So lets get started.

Create the Heading

We'll make a simple extruded text and logo heading.

Shown right are: the dialog to create the 3D text object and then the result of OKing this dialog (ie. the object in the world).
You have now completed a 3D heading, the image on the right shows how the VRMLmagic example (with the logo sitting upright) looks in a webbrowser (eg. Internet Explorer).

Create the NavigationBar

For our particular example we will create a single world that includes both the heading (as constructed above) and the Navigation bar. However if you would like to use them independantly you can simply create a new/separate world for the Navbar we are about to create.

To achieve this try:

Bring them to Life

For this example we'll use a simple technique to rotate the icons around the heading. The we'll add some simple actions for each icon.

You have now completed this example and have an interactive Haeding and Navigation Bar.

In this example we have created some objects and given them some simple actions, however as you can see from the actions available etc. we could do many other things. In particular we didn't focus on multiple cameras or lights (the next example briefly touches on these). Hopefully this example has given you a feel for the basic working of the package and you can experiment with the other features in your own projects.

An Interactive Environment

The previous world used the default lighting and camera arrangements and in that particular task that is appropriate. However in this example we'll create an interactive multi-camera, multi-light and sound inclusive environment.

At this point you've built the basics, now try filling out this environment with objects, lights and sounds as you desire, make it along the lines of a personal homepage (you can use action to link to other URLS). Below are some tips for achieving this quickly:

When you have it finished Save the World and Preview it in the webbrowsers.

User Manual